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Coronavirus: Paris Motor Show Also Cancelled

Like other sporting and business events, auto shows scheduled for the next few months are dropping like flies. After the cancellation of the Geneva, Shanghai and Detroit events, as well as the postponement of the New York Motor Show in August (its cancellation is likely only a matter of time unless a treatment to effectively combat the coronavirus can be developed at record speed), it's now the turn of the organizers of the Paris Motor Show to pull the plug on their event, which was to be held at the end of September.

The Paris Motor Show thus becomes the last victim of the pandemic, and given the catastrophic situation taking shape in France, it’s no surprise at all.

Show organizers explained their decision in a statement:

"In view of the seriousness of the unprecedented health crisis facing the automotive sector, which has been hit hard by the economic shockwave, we are forced to announce that we will not be able to maintain the Paris Motor Show at the Porte de Versailles in its current form for its 2020 edition".

- Paris Motor Show statement

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