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U.S. Plans to Make Federal Vehicle Fleet Electric

American president Joe Biden yesterday announced that the U.S. federal government will replace its vehicle fleet with electric solutions. The move is in line with the new administration’s strategy in the fight against climate change.

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we're going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers."

- President Joe Biden

He added that the administration believes the change will create a million jobs in the auto and clean energy sectors.

The sheer numbers of vehicles involved in such a transformation is quite astounding. The current federal fleet of vehicles is estimated at around 645,000 models. This includes those assigned to various civilian agencies (for example the postal service) and military organizations. Of the 645,000 or so models, about 412,500 are trucks of all types, while about 224,000 are passenger vehicles and another 8,000 are buses and ambulances.

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