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Upside-Down Gauge Display in 2022 Hyundai Santa Fes Leads to Recall

Recalls are commonplace in the automotive industry. Sometimes – often - manufacturers are proactive and issue recalls before most owners are aware of any issue. Sometimes, the problems are manifest, and it they’re serious they can merit immediate attention.

This is the case when people's safety is compromised or there is a potential fire hazard, for example.

This is not the case with Hyundai's new recall of its 2022 Santa Fe. In fact, the issue this recall is addressing is a first, as it’s related to the use of a new technology, at least in the way it is applied.

The problem affects 714 units of the model, and here’s what it is: The gauges and information on the digital display instrument cluster can in certain situations display... upside down. Of the affected models, count 293 hybrid versions and 421 plug-in hybrid variants. More details are available on the Transport Canada website.

In Canada, 300 units are affected.

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