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EV Sales: Ford and GM Could Overtake Tesla in 2025

When a company dominates a market, as Tesla has done for years in the electric-vehicle segment, it eventually becomes the target of competitors. At first, this takes the form of a healthy rivalry, but it often ends up as a ganging up on the leader.

That's what's happening with Tesla, whose market share in the electric vehicle world is currently at about 70 percent. Yet, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch's annual Car Wars study (as reported by InsideEVs), that could drop to 11 percent by 2025 due to pressure, particularly from GM and Ford.

And let's not forget Volkswagen, the stated goal of which is to take over top spot from Tesla in the global electric car market.  

According to the study, Ford and GM will each have a 15 percent share of the electric vehicle market in 2025. That represents a 10-percent increase for each firm over their current positions. The 20-percent gain shared by the two auto giants will, one can only assume, come mainly at Tesla’s expense.

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