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California Confirms It Will Ban Sales of New ICE Vehicles by 2035

Two years ago, California announced a target of banning the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles starting in 2035. The most populous U.S. state is expected to make that official today with a new measure.  

The move follows President Biden's signing of a federal climate change bill last week. The bill includes $370 billion in spending and tax credits for clean energy. The measure that will take shape in California was first put on paper in September 2020 by Governor Gavin Newsom. Now, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) will proceed with the vote to implement it.

California won't be alone in doing this. Other states are set to follow suit with their own measures to reduce vehicle emissions. Twelve of them are expected to announce a similar policy soon, and five more may follow suit next year.

Right now, California already has a measure in place to encourage the sale of electric vehicles. The state requires that 12 percent of new models sold produce no greenhouse gases. The new requirements will increase that to 35 percent by 2026, 68 percent by 2030 and 100 percent by 2035.

In Canada, many are pushing for a similar measure to force manufacturers to send more electric vehicles here. This would obviously reduce waiting times.

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