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Volkswagen Develops a Logo That Repels... Kangaroos

Volkswagen Australia has developed a version of its logo designed to keep away... kangaroos.

It sounds kind of out-there, but if you know the continent, it makes perfect sense. To develop this particular logo, Volkswagen teamed up with kangaroo behavior specialists at Melbourne University to find out more about this animal’s behavior.

Every year, tens of thousands of kangaroos are hit by vehicles. That's a huge number. In fact, this animal alone is involved in 90 percent of collisions between vehicles and animals on Australian roads.

Volkswagen Australia is also working on a license plate holder that incorporates the technology found on the logo, which is simply called RooBadge.

Neither logo nor plate holder are yet available for sale, as tests still need to be carried out to perfect the sound emitted by the tiny speakers.

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