
2020 Nissan Titan First Drive: Fourth Star of the Game?

Author: Daniel-RufiangePublished:  11/18/2019
2020 Nissan Titan First Drive: Fourth Star of the Game? 2020 Nissan Titan First Drive: Fourth Star of the Game?

Salt Lake City, UT - In hockey, the fourth star is unofficially awarded to the player who had a solid game but not enough to take a bow on the ice. In the Olympics, fourth place gets an athlete pats on the back but not a place on the podium, and not a medal. 

The Nissan Titan is that guy. Despite its several athletic qualities, it never quite makes it into the spotlight.

And what can that guy do to change things? He can go home and give up, or double down and come back harder. Nissan has taken the latter route with its Titan. Though there’s no guarantee of success, you can’t say Nissan isn’t trying its best to hoist the pickup up alongside the category leaders.

Thus for 2020, the company has made a number of changes, and while Nissan has hopes for its Titan, next to it on the starting line are the Usain Bolt, Carl Lewis and Jesse Owen of pickups. Intimidating, you say?

For the moment, the realistic objective – though you won’t hear anyone at Nissan admit this – is… fourth place. We went to Utah to see if it has what it takes to get there.

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