
Koala Gets Behind the Wheel of an SUV in Australia

Author: Daniel-RufiangePublished:  2/10/2021
Koala Gets Behind the Wheel of an SUV in Australia Koala Gets Behind the Wheel of an SUV in Australia

Once in a while, the serious business that is the automotive world and the media that covers it gets a reprieve, in the form of something lighter. Sort of a like a cat video. Except that sometimes it’s not a cat that’s the star of the show, but… a koala.

Here’s a story that’s been ping-ponging around the internet over the last 24 hours that should make your morning. Meet the koala bear that looked ready for a ride in an SUV… with it at the wheel.

Frankly, the images speak mostly for themselves. The scene, as you may have guessed, did not take place in Quebec, New Brunswick or British Columbia, but in Australia. And how did the animal end up there? That's where the story needs a little filling in.

Seems the koala in question was attempting to cross a road, except that the road was a six-lane highway. Predictably, the manoeuvre did not go well, especially for five motorists who, trying to avoid running over the animal, found themselves in the middle of a pileup.

Police said the accident, which occurred Monday morning in the city of Adelaide during rush hour, left some people injured, although fortunately none required transportation by ambulance.

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