
Autonomous Driving: Consumer Concerns and Fears Persist

Author: Daniel-RufiangePublished:  3/2/2023
Autonomous Driving: Consumer Concerns and Fears Persist Autonomous Driving: Consumer Concerns and Fears Persist

•    A new AAA study shows that consumers remain concerned about automated driving technologies.

•    68 percent of respondents said they fear autonomous driving systems.

•    The survey also illustrates how little is known about the systems and their capabilities and limitations.

Four years ago, a study by the American Automobile Association (AAA) showed that self-driving vehicles were of concern to a significant percentage - 71 percent - of motorists. 

Four years later, another AAA survey shows that the situation hasn’t changed much. Concerns are still very high. A majority of respondents say they are downright afraid of the technology. That 68 percent represents an 13 percent increase from last year.

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