
The 10 Most Reliable Vehicles for 2024, as per Consumer Reports

Author: Dan-HeymanPublished:  1/1/0001
The 10 Most Reliable Vehicles for 2024, as per Consumer Reports The 10 Most Reliable Vehicles for 2024, as per Consumer Reports

When Consumer Reports (CR) recently published their top 10 most reliable cars list for 2024, the results were pretty much as expected. If you were to guess which brand held down no fewer than 6 out of the 10 spots, and you guessed Toyota, you were spot on!

CR arrives at its conclusions not only by testing the cars, SUVs, CUVs and light trucks themselves, but by referring to their impressive database of users surveyed. It’s that last group that speaks so strongly to the consumer because it’s nice to hear some actual real-world experiences from actual buyers – such as yourself, dear reader. 

It's no simple task. CR takes into account 20 different parameters during their evaluation of any given vehicle. Major stuff like EV battery issues and engine issues are of course taken in to account, but its panel of experts than adds to those everything from squeaking brakes to loose trim. As well, those experts put each vehicle through its paces on the test track and also look at recorded safety data.

Please do keep in mind that what’s reported here is Consumers’ findings and not ours; you’re best to look them up if you have disagreements!

10. 2024 Toyota Highlander Hybrid (Score: 75)

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